Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I am Awarded with "Versatile Blogger Award"

Hi my favorite readers, cheers today that your Tushar Srivastava has got his first award in the bloggers world. "The Versatile Blogger Award".
It’s been 3 years since I started my journey to the blog world. I am joyous to share my first award in this blog world. I am amazed to know about the ‘Versatile Blogger Award’ on the auspicious day of Deepawali when I see a message that states “I have nominated you for the 'The Versatile Blogger Award’. Congratulations!!!”.
If you are nominated must read it complete as it has instructions for what to do next for you.
Other's can read it complete if they like ;-)

 I feel as if I am out of this world. I was not expecting any awards for my after 3 years of very untimely posts that just have reached a count of 20 after filtering some of my old posts that gained nothing. I was not sure if the statement in the message was true or if my eyes were trying to make me read something completely unexpected.
Think of a time, you wake up in the morning on a very auspicious day of Deepawali, and you check your mailbox for some wishes, and what you find is beyond your imagination, you get an award for being a Versalite Blogger. I don't know if I really deserve it or not, but the one who has nominated must be sure to better in a state to tell you. I want to thank Sainidhi Iyer for finding me deserving for this award! Also, I would like to congratulate Sainidhi for winning the VBA. I have read all the currently 3 posts of her as she is a new blogger, which proves her abilities that she got her first award in less than 5.I would like to request my readers to also read her blog and follow along as she is also a budding new blogger and has very powerful abilities. Her blog is

Irrevocable Protocols (The Rules)
If you are nominated, you’ve been awarded the Versatile Blogger award.
Thank the blogger who nominated you and include a link to their site.
Copy and paste the award to your blog.
Share 7 random facts about yourself.
Nominate 7 bloggers that you've recently discovered or follow regularly and include a link to their site.
Let the other Bloggers know that you have nominated them.

Seven not so amazing facts about Me!

  1. I am not a geek, but I do love geeky stuff, and actually, I love geekiness  beyond limits and become a joke for others :-( . 
  2. I am very intelligent, yet I put my intelligence to so many different things that I just do average in all the fields that I work in.
  3. I hate alcohols, smoking and drugs to an extent of madness. I can't tolerate anything like that near me, yet a contrasting fact is waiting for you down ;-) . 
  4. I have a very sensitive blood that starts to boil whenever I saw anything going wrong but the fact of my less than average figure stops me from getting into any dispute and so I never complain for anything.
  5. I have a worm of Computer Programming and Web development that sometimes I felt like, "What the hell am I doing in Electronics".
  6. I love technology, and in fact I am a techno savvy guy, I can't live without my laptop in any situation.
  7. I am very sensible person also, and I have sensibly posted my minus points rather than boasting about my pluses since I know that everyone in this world looks for fault in others and not in themselves and I am not everyone. I am different and I know it.
Now I think, my readers have a very good sense on me and about me with them, so they now know me better than before. Rest the pluses are what people will find in me after critically going through many aspects of me presented by me.

Seven Bloggers, I believe, deserve “The Versatile Blogger Award”

Hats off!!! Celebrate People!!!